Geriatric SIG

 The Geriatric SIG is a newly formed group in CT to help assemble CTAPTA members who have a common interest in the geriatric population. Our objectives are: 

A. To further the objectives of the Chapter as expressed in the Chapter bylaws and policy statements formulated by the board of directors.  

B. To meet the needs of persons interested in geriatrics and those providing care for the geriatric population herein referred to as geriatric practice, applicable in the profession of physical therapy.  

C. To provide a mechanism for the exchange of information among physical therapy educators, researchers, practitioners, and other persons interested in geriatric practice.  

D. To identify and promote utilization of standards of competency for practice, research and education in geriatric practice.  

E. To promote evidence-based physical therapy practice.  

F. To sponsor a minimum of one educational session related to geriatric practice at the annual Chapter conference.  

Whether you are a student, a new professional or a seasoned clinician we encourage you to get involved to help share your knowledge, learn from other professionals, help promote geriatric physical therapy and have some fun! 


Please contact co-chairs Suzanne Rodriguez or Karen Blood at with questions or to be added to our contact list for notifications about upcoming meetings and events.











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APTA CT PO Box 459
Tolland, CT 06084
(857) 702-9915