Orthopedic Manual Therapy SIG

CTAPTA Orthopedic and Manual Therapy SIG Mission:

Promoting and progressing the practice of Orthopedics and Manual Therapy for dysfunctions of the Neuro-musculoskeletal System through an open exchange of ideas among like minded practitioners.

The SIG holds quarterly meetings to discuss different ways to manage dysfunction through Orthopedic and Manual Therapy treatment. This has been performed through round table discussions, lecture format, and with local experts invited to discuss their areas of expertise, as well as lab sessions geared towards an active sharing of ideas. 

Membership is limited to Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Students who are members of the CT chapter of the APTA, however, others are welcome to attend. 

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APTA CT PO Box 459
Tolland, CT 06084
(857) 702-9915