President Message / Report - 2021
Click here for the 2021 Annual Meeting Report prepared by APTA CT President Stefanie Bourassa
The Year of Growth!
It’s the first day of the last month of the year that we have dubbed the year of growth! While we had some glimpses of togetherness and still some moments of social distancing, we found our groove and made our way through another year. But the work is not done yet for 2021!
Voting is Open, Now through December 13th. Positions that are up for election include Vice President, Secretary, Board of Directors, Nominating Committee and Delegate. While many individuals that are slated are incumbents, there a few new faces and I encourage you to go to read the candidates profiles in the ballot! If you are a member, please vote! A special thanks to outgoing delegate Michael Gans! Mike really has changed the APTA CT chapter and made a long lasting impact both at the state and national level. He has lead charges in the house of delegates, sat at the head of the table as president, a brief stint as vice president among many other contributions to our association within SIGs and Advocacy efforts. While Mike is stepping away from the lime light, he will continue to be active within our association and we are truly thankful for all that he has done!
Congratulations to our Scholarship Winners! Hector Rivera Jr (UConn), Heidi Bridge (Naugatuck Valley) and Victoria De La Rosa (Quinnipiac). We were very impressed with all the applications! A special thank you to the DEI Committee members and our VP for reviewing the applications as well as to our treasurer Brittany and Secretary Diana for taking the time to revamp the application process to make this years scholarships happen.
A special Thank you to all of you! As part of our centennial celebration we wanted to donate 100 pairs of shoes to the local shelters. The idea came from our profession being one that promotes movement, and what better way to give back to our community than to provide footwear to protect feet and promote movement. In true Connecticut fashion, we saw the goal, and crushed it! We collected over 1000 pairs of shoes!
There is a lot more that I would like to highlight and share with you, because we really did an amazing job as an association this year, but rather than continue in writing, go to our website and see the presentation from our annual meeting. There was a lot of amazing work and highlights including growth of membership to 1408, advocacy efforts, SIG presentations, Northeast Conference, New England Student Conclave; really, go check out the annual report presentation, I know you’ll be impressed!
In closing, We have our end of year Board of Directors meeting on December 15th via ZOOM if you’d like to attend! Our leadership Retreat will be February 12, 2021 in Hartford, all are welcome. There’s important end of the year advocacy efforts needed for #stopthecuts, please send in your letters and be the voice. I appreciate all of you and our year of growth. I look forward to this holiday season. I got to see the excitement in my three year old daughters eyes as they donated (3) hams and (3) turkeys to our food shelf, and wow, it’s great to feel the magic of the holidays again! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Bodhi Day, Feliz Posadas Navidenas, Happy Kwanzaa, and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Stefanie Bourassa, DPT, MSPT
President, APTA CT