Trigger Point Dry Needling Level 1

Please see code for discount below

3/25/2017 – 3/26/2017
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Bone & Joint Institute Ambulatory Building
32 Seymour Street
Hartford, Connecticut06103
Driving Directions

Trigger Point Dry Needling Level 1 
Presented by Richard Banton, PT, T-DPT, OCS, CMPT, ATC, CDN


The main objectives of this course are to review the current information related to the role of myofascial trigger points on musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction and to provide instruction and practical training for using dry needling to treat pain and movement disorders associated with active myofascial trigger points. The current knowledge about the mechanism of effect and the literature related to the effects of dry needling on various musculoskeletal disorders will be discussed in this course. Dry needling techniques will be taught for a variety of musculoskeletal diagnosis. This course includes several prereading items that will be sent around to the course registrants. 

DATES / TIMES - 2017
Saturday, March 25, 8am – 5:30pm
Sunday, March 26,  8am – 5:30pm 


Bone & Joint Institute Ambulatory Building
32 Seymour Street
Suite # TBD
Hartford, CT 06106 
Parking details will be emailed as we get closer to the course.



Click here to register. Use this registration code to receive the CTAPTA discounted rate. TDN$200DISC 


Level I muscle list

1. Glute max

25. Peroneus Longus/Brevis

2. Glute med

26. Extensor Digitorum

3. Glute min

27. Extensor Digitorum Brevis

4. Piriformis

28. Longissimus

5. Gracilis

29. Iliocostalis

6. Adductor magnus

30. Lumbar Multifidus

7. Adductor longus

31. Teres Major

8. TFL

32. Teres minor

9. Sartorius

33. Infraspinatus

10. Rectus Femoris

34. Deltoid

11. Vastus Intermedius

35. Bicepspg

12. Vastus Lateralis

36. Brachialis

13. Vastus Medialis

37. Brachioradialis

14. Upper trap

38. Ext Carpi Radialis

15. Splenius Cervicis

39. Extensor Digitorum

16. Semispinalis Capitis

40. Extensor Indices

17. Cervical Multifidus

41. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

18. Temporalis

42. Supinator

19. Semimembranosus

43. Pronator Teres

20. Semitendinosus

44. Flexor Carpi Radialis

21. Biceps Femoris

45. Flexor Digitorum

22. Anterior Tib

46. Pect Major

23. Gastrocnemius

47. Latissimus Dorsi

24. Soleus

48. Triceps Brachii



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Tolland, CT 06084
(857) 702-9915